Dark Paganism is highly diverse and means different things to different people.
For some, Dark Paganism is a fusion of goth culture with Neopaganism. Think of that as Wicca with a dark aesthetic. This goth-Pagan fusion is a highly popular form of Dark Paganism.
For others, Dark Paganism is a Pagan practice that works with “dark deities.” Such dark deities include Set, Apophis, and Tiamet. In addition, these dark pagans may work with traditionally Abrahamic entities such as Lucifer, Satan, Lilith, and various demons.
Another form of Dark Paganism emphasizes night or dark energies. These dark pagans hold that a dark current flows from the Source. One might imagine this as the yang to the yin in Taoism. This dark current isn’t evil (as portrayed in Star Wars) but is part of the polarity of existence.
Some dark pagans focus on chthonic or death deities and the spirits of the deceased. These practitioners walk the liminal zone between the land of the living and the dead.
Another form of Dark Paganism emphasizes the dark practices of magick. This form includes a willingness to hex and work with dark practices such as blood, bone, and dark moon rituals.
One form of Dark Paganism involves working with dark mythical and literary archetypes such as vampires. These dark pagans incorporate the tropes of literary archetypes into their aesthetics, rituals, and narratives.
Finally, there is a form of Dark Paganism that focuses on honoring and cultivating the Self. In this form, spirituality has two approaches, the external and internal. The external (light) approach looks outside the person for meaning, while the internal (dark) approach looks inside.
We here at the Shadow of the Black Rose love all forms of Dark Paganism and look forward to sharing these with our readers.