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Wara Ningyo – Japanese Straw Curse Doll

Disclaimer: the following information is provided for education only. The individual magick practitioner would need to decide the ethics of cursing another person.

'Ushi-no-toki, Mairi' - Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 1853
'Ushi-no-toki, Mairi' - Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 1853

The twelfth-century Japanese document Heike Monogatari describes how to make a straw doll called a Wara Ningyo. This doll is meant to curse someone and cause them to incur misfortune, suffering, and possibly even death. What follows are the steps to make a Wara Ningyo.

1. Construct a doll made of straw.

2. Write the name and age of the victim on paper and insert the paper into the straw doll.

3. Draw the face of the enemy on the doll.

4. Visit a shrine, temple, or sacred space at night and find an old tree.

5. Place a Kanawa or iron circlet upon your head with three vertical spikes attached; these are used to secure three lit candles.

6. At the hour of the Ox (between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.), nail the straw doll to the ancient tree, and your curse will chase your enemy.

(Source: The Dark Side of Japan by Antony Cummins)

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